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Daily Schedule

Arrival Schedule

7:15 AM: Students may enter the cafeteria

7:30 AM - 7:45 AM: Breakfast is provided in the classrooms.

7:45 AM: Tardy bell rings

First page of the PDF file: ArrivalDismissalMaps_Part1

Dismissal Schedule


3:05 PM: Dismissal bell rings.

Please ensure your placard is visible to staff so that we may promptly message teachers for your student. Placards are available from your child's teacher.

WALKERS ONLY: Older siblings picking up younger siblings MUST go to the appropriate grade level dismissal area and pick up in the same way parents pick up.

CAR RIDERS ONLY: Families with students in more than one grade level MUST pick up at each grade level’s designated location. Do NOT send older siblings to the younger sibling’s pickup location.

First page of the PDF file: ArrivalDismissalMaps_Part2

Inclement Weather Delay Schedule

First page of the PDF file: 2024-25BushElementaryDelayedStartSchedule